Last night, just hours after going live with this site, the server for the Project Ojibwa site did a massive update which took that site down. Frantically, we tried to get it refreshed but storms across the west made initial contact impossible. So, we immediately went back to our new HMCS Ojibwa website and disconnected all the links to the Project Ojibwa website and started to replicate those landing pages on the new site - a time consuming task at the best of times. Right in the middle of this process, a violent thunder and enormous electrical storm passed through - are you beginning to get the state of my mind - it was three o'clock in the morning! Half way through the process, word came from Denver that the Project site was back up . Then the question became whether to continue to replicate the link landing pages or go to bed. To make a tedious story shorter, I think all the links are now back in place, but, if you find one that isn't, please let me know.