NEW INNOVATIVE TOUR - COVID X-Ray - not available 2021
Pricing -
Adults: $15.00
Seniors: $12.00
Children: $10.00 (children 8 to 12 years old)
At this time, children under eight are not permitted because the subject matter plus the duration of the tour make it very difficult for them so maintain the strict social distancing policy that will keep everyone safe. Everyone is required to stay with the group and not wander about.
Seniors: $12.00
Children: $10.00 (children 8 to 12 years old)
At this time, children under eight are not permitted because the subject matter plus the duration of the tour make it very difficult for them so maintain the strict social distancing policy that will keep everyone safe. Everyone is required to stay with the group and not wander about.
Why Pre-Booking is Recommended
We strongly recommend pre-booking because , under the Covid rules, we no longer have wiggle room to juggle the size of the tours. Even though payment is not taken until you arrive, pre-booking will ensure that you and your friends can be on the same tour if you are under the maximum size of group permitted or at least on the next tour.
Staying Safe in 2021
We have created protocols to make your visit as safe as possible. For example, the ticket office has moved to the 'Yellow' Trailer which allows visitors to enter in one door and depart by another. Every effort is being made to respect social distancing. EWe ask that only one member of your group come into the ticket office. We do ask that you wear a mask in the Ticket Trailer for the protection of our staff in this space and be mindful of others when you move forward to view the banners.